A legendary Lara is back in a new adventure, which promises to be the best of the entire series! Hurricane push, acrobatic dexterity, enchanting possession of technical equipment and weapons; among all lovers of adventure Lara simply has no equal. Dangerous jungle, ancient tombs, snow-covered ruins and raging waterfalls; we are to travel through the most exotic places of the planet. Spectacular fights, breathtaking tricks and confrontation with cunning enemy, ready for the most extreme measures - all this is waiting for us again.
Gameplay features
- 功能強大的圖形引擎,帶來有趣的可能性和效果;< / li>
- 美麗,敏捷,有點bit La的Lara Croft。 
- 返回到系列的起源:機制,跳躍和蒼蠅,文物和失落的廟宇;< / li>
- 大量的特殊設備,可以幫助您製作您想要的任何東西。  
- 雙持,捕獲和意外事故,大量武器和手榴彈;< / li>
- 新的關卡,新的動作動畫和稍微改進的控制。