mJetz web browser - 移動Web像以前從未與mJetz - 在英語和超過40其他語言為95+國家與mJetz你得到你的個人移動網絡在一個應用程序:收藏(興趣,新聞,體育,商業),朋友(IM,社交網絡,電子郵件),信息(字典,維基,天氣),應用程序,小部件和Web(搜索,瀏覽,探索與移動友好的結果)。 mJetz獨特的導航為您的移動網絡帶來輕鬆 - 沒有標籤,沒有縮放和小打字。只需導航,探索,個性化和分享。觀看www.youtube.com/mmjetz上的演示 - 即將推出新版本!

With mJetz, your favorites are where you want them, in front of you, not buried in bookmarks or tabs. Plus favorites are flexible; add new ones when you explore, organize into folders for ease of use, or remove ones you do not like. You can even manage your browser from the web by logging in to my mJetz on www.mjetz.com!
Best of all, mJetz is FREE, works on nearly all java phones, from low end feature phones to smartphones. With a web ready phone you are just a few clicks away from rediscovering the mobile web. Download mJetz today, select one of 40 languages and 95+ country versions and rediscover the mobile web on your phone!
Connection or Registration Problems?
Are you asked for permission to connect often? Then you need a signed version - go to www.mjetz.com/s from your phone browser for Verisign or www.mjetz.com/s1 for Thawte signed versions.